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Shakesperience 2018: What Does Shakesperience Mean You?

Samantha Godard, English Literature Honours and Creative Writing and Journalims minor at Bishop's University.

Shakesperience is a one-of-a-kind experience. It’s like no other class in the world. ... You get to experience it with the most amazing people! People who are interesting in the same things as you or who are hungry to learn as much as the can about the world of Shakespeare and of theatre. Moreover, this course is taught in one of the best classrooms you could sit in: the Stratford Festival Theatre. It is an amazing and historic building that will blow you away! This class is the greatest learning experience you will ever have.

They say a good book will pull you into its story but at Stratford, you are a part of the story. You are present in the moment as the tale is unfolding. Every movement, breath and sound you make is a part of the play. There’s no way you could ever have that experience reading the play in a traditional classroom. These plays were meant to be watched, not read which is why The Stratford Shakesperience is the greatest way to learn about Shakespeare.

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