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Shakesperience 2018: What Does Shakesperience Mean You?
Samantha Godard, English Literature Honours and Creative Writing and Journalims minor at Bishop's University. Shakesperience is a...

Shakesperience 2019: Why Do You Continue to Participate in Shakesperience?
Katarina Margaret Baasner, double major in English and History and minor in Drama at Mount Allison University. I loved being able to meet...

Shakesperience 2017: One of The Best Weeks of My Life
Katarina Margaret Baasner a English Major, minors in Drama, History and Women's and Gender Studies student at Mount Allison University....

Shakesperience 2019: What Did You Gain From Shakesperience?
Aunika Braun, double major in English Literature and Political Studies at Bishop's University The most valuable part for me about...

Shakesperience 2017: Combining Voices and Experiences
Darcie Talbott, English Student, Bishop’s University This class, ENG225, left a mark both on my educational life as well as my personal...

Shakesperience 2017: Shakespeare Was Only Half The Fun
Brianna Henshaw, English Literature student, Bishop's University Four days, six plays, four post-show chats, three workshops, and three...

Shakesperience 2017: Every Moment Filled with Excitement
Mary-Francis Kobelt, Drama Student, Bishop’s University I think back on this course and I have to say it was wonderful if not...

Shakesperience 2017: A Heightened Experience
T. Rose Seitz-Lavoie, English Major, Sports Studies Minor, Bishop’s University This course was marketed as an intense course that would...

Shakesperience 2017: Original and Unique Experience
Lauren Boultbee, Business Student, Bishop’s University Shakespearience – there are no words that can effectively portray how truly...

The Shakesperience of a Lifetime: Bishop’s University’s Experiential Theatre Course Takes the Stage
Attempting to teach theatre in an English Literature course must be a daunting prospect. A far cry from the highly individual experience...
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